Delving into the world of knitting, one begins to find that there are things about knitting and knitters that just go together. Some things are merely obvious, but others, well they might just seem plain odd. And then others might just apply to me :)
* Knitting & Black Tea and Dark Chocolate
This one is a big for me! There is nothing better than enjoying a quiet evening with my knitting in my lap, a big cup of black tea and some dark chocolate I can savor just one bite at a time :)
* Knitting & Coffee Dates with Mom
This is our bonding time! On any given Saturday, you will find the two of us at a local Coeur d'Alene coffee shop knittin' it up. If one of us forgets our knitting, well, we go back and get it. It is too easy to let an afternoon just slip by when you get lost in good conversation paired with good knitting :)
* Knitting & Photography
What can I say, I like to take pretty pictures of my knitting! It's part of the reason I got a fancy DSLR camera. I have some amazing photog friends that are teaching me all I know about this crazy hobby called photography and I am thoroughly enjoying taking macro shots of my stitches!
* Knitting & Good Food and Wine
When you get a group of knitters together, there had better be some darn good food and wine to accommodate, or it will not be pretty! Knitters are more likely to enjoy more natural and organic food selections, still with high sugar and fat content so that it's not considered "too healthy".
* Knitting & Good Music
Whether it's live or coming from my iPod, I just love being immersed in beautiful melodies and harmonies while knitting - it's therapeutic ... I also love to play music and sing if that has anything to do with it :)
* Knitting & Obsession to touch fabric
I'm hoping that this one is fairly obvious
* Knitting & Intellectual thought
I don't know about anybody else, but I just feel smarter when I'm knitting.
* Knitting & Little Dogs
Yes, I have a little papillon. And I love her. And I love when she crawls into my lap while I'm knitting ... it's so cozy. As long as she doesn't decide to get tangled up in the yarn! That can be a nightmare :/
* Knitting & Kitties
Ok, this one I don't quite get ... a lot of knitters happen to be cat ladies (or is it that cat ladies just happen to knit). Well, I don't fall into this category. I have nothing against cats ... I just don't have one, and really no desire to get one either :)
* Knitting & Perfectionism
If you are a knitter and a perfectionist... you are in big trouble ... you are also not alone. Perfectionism can be measured as the quotient of how many rows you are willing to rip out over the number of mistakes you need to fix factored by the inverse of the needle size and lumpiness of the yarn. Skilled knitters have the foresight to know if these mistakes will matter in the finished product :)
* Knitting & General Craftiness
Yes, knitters are crafty. We can't help it ... we scrapbook, we quilt, we bead, we throw pottery, we make cute notecards ... we just love to create :)
* Knitting & Blogging
Just an observation ... there just seems to be a lot of knitting blogs out there. We have a lot to say about our craft :)