October 9, 2011

So. about that lovely yellow malibrigo

I made it into a scarf. I finished the knitting part about 6 months ago. It's been wallowing in the chaos that is my room ever since then. Just got it out today to block and finish. Since it was only about half a skein, it's a pretty short scarf, so I attached a button to make it come together and I love it! Going to wear it tomorrow with a grey t-shirt :) perfect for my favorite time of year - Autumn!

I used the scrunchable scarf pattern I found on Ravelry - the hyperlink to the orginal pattern doesn't seem to be working though, so here's what you do:

Cast on a multiple of 3 sts (plus one on each edge for a selvage. I slipped the selvage stitch at the end of my rows to make it smoother)
The pattern repeat is just K2, P1 - on both sides. Because you are working with an odd number of sts, you get a column of knit sts, a column of purls, and a column of moss st. It pleats itself and its reversible, but its very flexible.

This got me thinking of how much I really love the color yellow and a certain poem by Emily Dickinson and a certain sunset from one of the best sunset spots in my geographical area, Spade's Mountain watchtower ~ Enjoy <3

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