October 13, 2011

This just occured to me...

So. I've been planning this fabulous trip to New York City and Providence, RI to see family. I'm pretty excited. I leave the night of the 18th .. I think ... whatever next Tuesday is, arriving at LaGuardia at 9am on Wednesday, staying with my grandparents in Manhattan, traveling up to Providence to stay with my cousin for the weekend, then coming back to stay in New York until I fly back to Spokane on Tuesday the 25th. Whew! Yes, I'm pretty excited. I've let family know I will be around their neck of the country, but have no solid plans yet. I am actually hoping to enjoy a quiet, relaxing trip. If that's possible in NYC, I am determined to find out!!
Oh! And about my sudden occurance, I'm thinking that Manhattan *should* have some pretty fantastic yarn shops :) While I am accustomed to the down-home feel of the yarn shops in my neck of the woods, I am curious to see what an uppity SoHo shop is like. Does it have an extra measure of sophistication? Do they have more greyish colors? How much more expensive could they possibly get in the world of specialty yarns? Are there coffee shops near by? Are they extra artsy? I had more questions pop into my head earlier, but I've forgotten.
Another thought for now... Starbucks bags work well for carrying some of your small knitting projects around. Gave me an excuse to go buy some really expensive coffee :)


  1. My guess is they have a coffee shop in the yarn store! :P

  2. they really should! actually, I have this dream to open a yarn store ... and have my little brother open a used bookstore next door (because he just really loves books!) .... and have a coffee shop in between! :)
